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- Chapter 401

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  1. Kangxii
    Kangxii Level 12 19h ago
    Idk how to feel about this, my name is Picasso, should I feel good bc it’s mentioned here? Or should I feel offended bc he used it as an derogation for the way he did the door???
  2. Kangxii
    Kangxii Level 12 19h ago
    Idk how to feel about this, my name is Picasso, should I feel good bc it’s mentioned here? Or should I feel offended bc he used it as an derogation for the way he did the door???
  3. Kangxii
    Kangxii Level 12 19h ago
    Idk how to feel about this, my name is Picasso, should I feel good bc it’s mentioned here? Or should I feel offended bc he used it as an derogation for the way he did the door???