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- Chapter 269

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  1. DOINK
    DOINK Level 22 11h ago
    Man is terrible keeping his secret my goodness. Might as well get a mega phone and announce himself at this point 
  2. Vlad tepes
    Vlad tepes Level 2 2d ago
    Honestly at this stage of the story I wanna see the story progress and how mc saves everyone from the worlds destruction or at least the first wave.  Am tired of waiting a few weeks for some random npc story or some flashback to his past life to end so we can get on with it
    • Gaming Knight
      Gaming Knight Level 40 16h ago
      @Vlad tepes Yeah, although it's good to see some back stories but it's already taking too long i guess 
    • Gaming Knight
      Gaming Knight Level 40 16h ago
      @Vlad tepes Yeah, although it's good to see some back stories but it's already taking too long i guess