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- Chapter 609

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    I LIKE TITS Level 28 3h ago
    recommend me something to read please its been a week since i finished it 
  2. YangKaiThe8th
    YangKaiThe8th Level 6 2d ago
    Amos you don’t understand that when a man has his heart set on his woman or women he won’t do wrong to her or them. It’s simple and natural. I have yet reached past 2000 chapters so far im in the 1700s. But yang Kai’s personality is natural and understandable. He loves his select women in his early life and has already lived around 60 years where I am. He is no longer interested in woman and already has his women and wants to protect the woman he genuinely loves from the start of his life. It’s natural. This is an unnatural story but yang kai still always holds his humanity 
  3. Amosmubarak
    Amosmubarak Level 5 2d ago
    I like the sensual and romantic touch of the early Martial Peak series. But after going to fight the inkclan after the 2000s chapters, the storyline has become filled with typical patriotic propaganda with most of romantic touch removed. I cannot imagine someone with 9 wives going celibate for thousands of years. It's just unrealistic. Meeting girls in romantic scene is the fun part of this series and should be included in future chapters